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slbackup-php version 0.2 released

A new version of slbackup-php is released and is availible from
http://bzz.no/~finnarne/slbackup and from the etch-test archive of

The changes from 0.1 is that it's now easier to fetch an old version
from the archive, rather than the latest one. It is also possible to
fetch a file from a deleted folder (or a file that has been deleted
before the last backup was run).

Screenshots (with the new features) is availible from

It is still only possible to fetch backup if you know the root password
from the machine where the backup is stored (normally backup.intern,
which in return is tjener.intern). It should be rather easy to allow
normal users to fetch the last set of files backed up, as long as they
are allowed to log into the backup-server using ssh. To allow a normal
user to restore an archived version of a file, a script is needed to set
the correct permisions under <destdir>/<client>/rdiff-backup-data this
folder is normally (using slbackup, owned by root, and only root are
allowed to access/read/write to this folder. This script is not yet
developed :)

Finn-Arne Johansen
faj@bzz.no http://bzz.no/
EE2A71C6403A3D191FCDC043006F1215062E6642 062E6642

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