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Bug#419163: education-standalone: Recommends tetex- packages, which should become transitional packages

[Luca Brivio]
> The package now in sid Recommends: tetex-base, tetex-bin,
> tetex-brev, tetex-doc, tetex-extra. However they are becoming
> transitional packages depending on texlive- packages, because tetex
> is no longer maitained upstream. I think this should be fixed,
> because of the issues it causes when (dist-)upgrading.

OK.  Except for tetex-brev, what is required to get a full latex
environment installed with texlive?  At the moment we have this
section in the task:

  Suggests:    tetex-bin, tetex-doc, tetex-base, tetex-extra, lacheck, \
               auctex, tetex-brev
  Why:         Requested by math teacher.  LaTeX allow math typesetting.

What should be list instead?

Petter Reinholdtsen

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