I have regular battles with parents, where I have to justify our use of
free software. I work at quite an expensive school where many of our
parents work with MS products every day, and believe their kids should
Firefox, however, is one app I usually don't have to defend. I am afraid
that will change if kids start going home saying they use iceweasel now. I
can just see parents cursing the crack-pot teacher who stops their kids
using 'real' software and who is now saying that even firefox isn't free
enough. Is it too late to rename iceweasel to something sensible?
I say leave it off the CD and I will install firefox from mozilla.
As for the Gimp, I regularly have 15 or more students using it on my
Athlon 64 single CPU server. I just make them set the tile cache really
low (48 or even 32). I use the Gimp with grades 5 and above. I've had many
kids say their parents installed it for them at home.
However, its just an apt-get away, so it doesn't matter as much as firefox.
Halvor Dahl wrote:
Luk Claes wrote:
You do understand that if you consider using the Firefox name in
that you have to ask Mozilla if all changes are OK and that this
means if you
do it properly quite some changes to the Debian version? It's not
like Mozilla
took care that you only have to change the name in one location, but
all over
the place...
Does anyone have any idea how much work is really involved in this
process? It
would be worth an effort to be able to keep the Firefox name. I would
guess the
Mozilla guys are reasonable people.
Keeping the firefox name is a lot of work.
- someone must create this package, and maintain it. not to mention
security patches, and firefox have it's share of those. And when all
security patches must be preaproved by mozilla corp before we can use
them. This will be a more work then it's worth.
- we must have it in our own repository, creating work for ftpmasters
and drift
Personaly i feel that if someone have the needed time to do this. they
could do a _LOT_ of good things with
Besides why jump thru loopholes when we dont have to ? iceweasel is bug
for bug compatible with firefox.
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