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Re: Q: Diskless Workstations (Sarge)

Hi All,

My /opt is 5 GB and its 78% full. I have 13 diskless workstations.

I install everything twice. Once for the thin clients and once in the chroot. Like Vagrant says, its just a matter of typing (copy/paste) the same apt command twice each time you do something. (in fact 3 times for me - I have another ltsp server)


vagrant@freegeek.org wrote:

On Tue, Feb 27, 2007 at 10:32:23PM +0100, RalfGesellensetter wrote:
I just was about to do a test installation - but while reading the HowTo once more, further questions come into my mind:

- what is "enough" space on /opt? => I suppose up to 4 GB should be enough; regarding the network as a "hard disc with a long cable" we shouldn't place much more there then is booted from a Knoppix.

4GB is probably overkill... but maybe i don't do enough full-blown
workstation installs :)

- keeping /opt/* syncronous with LTSP's root system: My major aim is to pull workstations to the same state as my LTSP is (new Openoffice, new KDE, many nice applications). In short: My ideal solution would use as much symlinks from /opt/... to the corresponding root system as possible. How realistic is that?

are you trying to share the same files with the LTSP clients as the
server? if so...

symlinks aren't going to work with NFS root, as the files will point to
files outside of the LTSP client's root filesystem.  if you used the
same filesystem for /opt/ltsp as the rest of your system, you could do
some magic with hardlinks, but that is kind of a maintenance nightmare.
i wouldn't recommend going through the trouble.  you're better off just
using apt-get to keep everything up to date and in sync.

live well,

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