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Bug#399754: FTBFS: Can not require network during build

[Goswin von Brederlow]
> Create a debian/rules target 'update' that will fetch the latest
> Release, sources, debs, whatever else you fetch now during
> build. But don't call that target from any of the normal targets
> used during build. When you upload a new source version you first
> run debian/rules update, then build and upload.

This will not work, as the set of available packages differ from
architecture to architecture, so the autobuilders need to fetch the
package list for their architecture for the build to succeed and
generate the wanted meta-packages.

We are looking into making the lack of network non-fatal.  It used to
be like that, but was changed to improve our CD build.  We are looking
into ways to make both the offline build and our CD build work. :)

Petter Reinholdtsen

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