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Re: [OT] teach linux to children

On Wed, Sep 27, 2006 at 10:59:10AM +0200, Gianko wrote:
> Hello people,
> I'm preparing a meet with children (about 10-14 years old) to explain
> what is Linux and Free Software.
> I know that is  difficult to speak with children of that age using plain
> words... then I'd like to know if there's somebody who have teaching
> experience in Linux stuff.
> If in this list there's some teacher (Italian teacher is great) ... I
> will to exchange some word with him.
Hi GP,
I like the one RMS uses. He talking about sharing recipies. And how you
always share recipies with friends. And if you made a better recipie,
you'd share it with your friend and she'd share hers with you. Free
software is about sharing of: music, art, software, etc. 

Its a way to share with people -- not just next to you -- but with
people of other countries, cultures, ideas, etc.

I also compare it to other altruistic work like the peace corps as when
you create software that is given away for free, you are contributing
something that everyone can benfit from. A peace corps of technology.

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