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Re: Nagios script autoconfiguring skolelinux Network?

Sitat sergi tur <sergi.tur@upc.edu>:

> Hi all!
> I've just decided to write after a lot of hours looking for the
> solution. I remember that I executed an script that autoconfigures
> Nagios to monitor all pc's in a SkoleLinux Network. This script
> configures the nagios files to monitor all the workstations in a
> SoleLinux Network. Nowadays I re-installed the server to upgrade to
> Sarge an now I am not able to find the script.
> Anyone knows the script? It could be possible that this script was in
> Woody based SkoleLinux?

I know the script, but I think it disappeared from the Sarge version when we
started to use the Debian Nagios packages. I tried a couple of times to ask if
someone had any interest in the functionality given by the script, but received
a reply from only one user. That sort of dropped my motivation to rewrite the
script to Sarge to zero. I guess it could be revived, or someone else could
give a rewrite a shot. Nice to hear that at least one other user has tried the
script :)

Med vennlig hilsen
Ragnar Wisløff
life is a reach. then you gybe.

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