FOSDEM and Edu BoF & introduction
Hi all,
Seeing that the meeting now includes FOSDEM I'd like to invite you all to an
Edu Bof where I'd represent KDE-Edu and where Bruno Coudoin, the GCompris
author also will be present.
I am KDE-Edu founder and coordinator. Until August 2006 I lived in Canada so
it was difficult to participate to European meetings. I am a self-taught
Linux user and developer, I got involved in KDE some 6-7 years ago.
I now live in France and while I am the mum of 5 kids (youngest is 9 months
old currently) I can be involved more in KDE-Edu than the past year. The
timing is perfect as what I had hoped when I started KDE-Edu some 5 years ago
is taking shape: Linux and free software is now a reality in some schools.
Educational distributions are being more and more used, governments start to
push Free Software in several areas (see the Meduxa release for ex.)
To come back to FOSDEM after this short introduction:
We could discuss about the problems you have with our edu applications: size
(packaging problems), translations problems if any (related to packaging
I also have several other points in mind:
- sharing of data between all edu applications (sounds, lists of words, ...):
how? formats? repository?
- feedback from teachers to KDE-Edu and GCompris: edu distros are the link;
How do we work better together?
- KDE specific: KDE is moving towards KDE4 so it's an excellent time for
changes and improvements. Your wishes are welcome.
- Integration of KDE-Edu apps in other desktops: what needs to be improved?
- ...
If you are interested in participating, we can elaborate a precise agenda and
thus start a collaboration between all people involved in Free educational
Software. Key note in FOSDEM will be about OLPC thus for once Educational
projects is a prominent subject!
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