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Summary from irc meeting 16/10-2006 17:00 UTC

Meeting notes for the Debian Edu meeting taking place on #debian-edu 2006-01-19 17:00 UTC.



     Moderator: Petter Reinholdtsen


     Log collector: Holger Levsen


     Writing the summary: Ronny Aasen



     Status of Etch <http://wiki.debian.org/DebianEdu/Status/Etch>


     useradmin problem and solution (webmin is removed...)


     #311188 <http://bugs.debian.org/311188>


The following people gave input to the meeting:


     pere: Petter Reinholdtsen, h01ger: Holger Levsen, sepski: Ronny Aasen

Meeting time and participation


     There was some initial confusion, since one time had been
     published on the wiki and another on the irc topic. but the
     meeting started 17:00 UTC. It was decided to keep the meeting even
     with the low number of participants.

Status of etch


     There is a wikipage at
     http://wiki.debian.org/DebianEdu/Status/Etch, that we will try to
     keep current with issues and problems for the etch install. This
     is also a good resource to check before testing the installer.
     Petter reported that the cd build should be stabalized, and in the
     cases where it fails, it should do so in a detectable fashion, and
     not create broken cd's. He have also enabeled the grafical
     installer as default, this seams to break the installation of a
     few packages. This needs to be tested and bugs
     <http://bugs.skolelinux.no> written. It was decided to try to
     autobuild the source cd's too. The content of these must be
     verified match the binary cd's

     There are 2 serious issues befoer we can release a test02, the
     libnss-ldap issue, and the broken ltsp build. Ronny would try and
     fix the ltsp issue after the meeting.

useradmin problem and solution


     current status is that we have no easy to use user admin tool.
     webmin is gone from etch, so wlus have no framework to run on. The
     alternatives currently in etch including GOSA and phpldapadmin are
     not very userfriendly. the alternative with cipux is not packaged
     in etch, and it's unclear how much work is needed in order to have
     it packaged.


     Holger is working on helping cipux integrate in debian.


     Anders Kringstad Hanssen is checking out the alternatives in etch,
     to see if we can configure them to become more userfriendly. A
     decition on what to focus the enery on should be made soon

bug http://bugs.debian.org/311188

     In order to resolve the RC bug, we need to reduce the amount of
     configuration needed. And then focus on solving the problems for
     the remaining few packages. Work must also be done to purge
     debien-edu-config for old woody and sarge configurations. Then the
     remaining must be evaluated if it is needed, or not. If a pacakge
     must be configured and can not be fixed, in time. We can also try
     and look at using alternative packages that are preseedable and
     included in etch

date and time for the next meeting


     The date for the next meeting was set at 2006-10-30 17:00 UTC.
     Please update the http://wiki.debian.org/DebianEdu/Meeting
     <http://wiki.debian.org/DebianEdu/Meeting> agenda and reserve the
     time in your shedules.

Ronny Aasen

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