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Major package priority change implemented on the etch and etch-test CDs

This weekend, I've spent some tim working on the etch CD build and the
package lists.  The etch and etch-test CDs now boot, and are able to
install debian-edu.

I've changed a lot of package priorities in several tasks, to try to
make sure the packages needed by the server tasks are included, and
that at least one tool of each kind is included in the workstation and
standalone tasks.  This has had major consequences to the list of
packages included on the CD.  I've peeked at the packages included in
edubuntu, as well as the packages listed in

The details about the packages being included, including how much
space in KiB they occupy and which packages they pull in as
dependencies are available from

I urge everyone interested in commenting and discussing which package
to put on the CD to read that list and understand that the 700 MiB CD
is full, and that we are 284 MiB from having space for all the
packages listed as depends, recommends and suggests for the tasks used
by the debian-edu CDs, education-common, education-desktop-kde,
education-laptop, education-main-server, education-networked,
education-standalone-extras, education-standalone,
education-thin-client-server and education-workstation.

The following packages listed in one of the above tasks are no longer
missing on the CD.  I've been able to find space for OpenOffice.org,
firefox, the KDE desktop, CUPS as well as gcompris:

  ark cupsys-bsd cupsys-client cupsys-driver-gimpprint
  education-desktop-kde education-standalone-extras firefox
  firefox-locale-de firefox-locale-el firefox-locale-it
  firefox-locale-pl gcompris gimp hpijs ifplugd kaffeine kalzium kate
  kcalc kcharselect kcron kde-i18n-da kde-i18n-de kde-i18n-el
  kde-i18n-es kde-i18n-fr kde-i18n-it kde-i18n-lv kde-i18n-nb
  kde-i18n-nn kde-i18n-se kdebase kdeedu kdepasswd kdepim-kio-plugins
  kdewallpapers kdf kdict kdm kedit kfloppy kghostview kmail kmix
  knotes konqueror korganizer kscd kscreensaver ksirc ksnapshot kstars
  ktouch menu myspell-ca myspell-de-de myspell-el-gr myspell-es
  myspell-fr myspell-nb myspell-nn openoffice.org
  openoffice.org-l10n-ca openoffice.org-l10n-de openoffice.org-l10n-es
  openoffice.org-l10n-fr openoffice.org-l10n-nb openoffice.org-l10n-nl
  openoffice.org-l10n-nn rdesktop unzip xpdf zip

I've had to throw out some packages as well, to be able to find room.
Most of the stuff I've thrown out is kernels.  We now only include one
kernel, 2.6.16 for 686-smp.  All other linux kernels are now dropped
from the CD.  Among the wanted packages (listed in the tasks mentioned
above), I've dropped these from the CD:

  cfengine2-doc dsh g++ gcc gdb gnuplot hwdata iamerican ibritish isag
  kernel-package libxml1 nictools-nopci ntp-simple nullidentd recover
  rsync sysutils vim xfonts-100dpi-transcoded xterm

If you want any of them back, or want other packages included on the
CD, I urge you to read and understand cdspacelist-etch-test.txt before
you add new dependencies to the debian-edu task package.

It is on the other hand free for all with write access to add useful
packages to recommends and suggests for the various tasks.  Please
avoid duplicate entries, but go ahead and add packages we should try
to get on the CD to the task lists.

The new tasks are now written in a way that will install the
recommends and suggests if they are found by apt at install time.  So
if we add more CDs, move to DVDs or let the schools use network
install for the packages not on the CD, the recommended and suggested
packages will be installed.

I welcome help with testing the etch CD.  We are as usual discussing
the development on #debian-edu (irc.debian.org) and on this mailing

Petter Reinholdtsen

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