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Re: Brainstorm (wiki page): A wishlist for the audio/video infrastructure on Linux (URL)

>From Herman Robak on Sunday, 2005-10-23 at 13:48:00 +0200:
> http://wiki.debian.org/LinuxAudioVideoWishlist
> The state of audio and video on Linux leaves quite a bit
> to be desired.  What would we like to become the baseline
> for audio/video drivers, APIs, libraries and applications
> in the next few years?
> What's missing?
> What needs to be done soon?

I like it!

For me the high priorities are determined by what is
easily within reach.  I believe these two are:

low latency scheduling in default kernels
Jack working out of the box on the major distros 
     (Debian/Ubuntu included)

At the moment, you have to do it yourself or download
from DeMudi, but the same principle that applies to
skolelinux applies to Demudi (and any other CDD):
get it into Debian, to increase the likelihood of
reuse, to flatten the bugs, and to decrease your
costs in time and effort.


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