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info for manual partitioning

I compiled some info I've gathered.
Corrections and documenting welcome.


Manual partitioning for skolelinux installations

To install skolelinux on a machine without wiping out the existing operating 
system(s) you'll need to say NO when asked if you want the installer to 
automaticly create the partitions for you. 

As a guideline you should then set up something like

  / (root)		512 MB  (base system)
  /usr			2-5 GB  (static program data)
  /var			1-3 GB  (variable program data)
  /skole/tjener/home0	1-5+ GB (homedirs)
  /skole/backup		4+ GB   (backups)
  swap			512+ MB (2*ramsize swap)

To make the installation set up lessdisks thin clients, you need a LVM
volume group vg_system, with at least 512 MB availible space.

If I manually set up partitions for a skolelinux install, I normally add the 
following schema to the existing partitions. It is close to the setup  
autopartkit would otherwise create when overwriting all existing partitions.

Add three partitions on the harddisk(s):

 one for / (ext3 root) 512MB
 and two lvm partitions for two volume groups
   vg_system 10-15GB
   vg_data   rest 

(with two disks but w/o hardware raid I add a software raid 1 in vg_data)

in vg_system I create logigal volumes for the following partitions:

  lv_usr	/usr  4 GB
  lv_var	/var  2 GB
  lv_swap	swap  512+ MB (2*ramsize)

on mainserver also

  lv_squid	/var/spool/squid  256 MB (or some GBs & adjusting squid.conf)

on thin client servers  also

  lv_ltsp_swap	/var/opt/ltsp/swapfiles  1GB (32MB for each thinclient)
  lv_less	/var/lib/lessdisks  500MB (will be automaticly created)

and in vg_data, I create the following partitions:

  lv_home0	/skole/tjener/home0 2 GB
  lv_backup	/skole/backup       4 GB

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