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Re: Skolelinux Sarge-alpha & Some samba questions

Harald Thingelstad wrote:
ons, 04,.05.2005 kl. 18.51 +0200, skrev Jonas Smedegaard:

Hey - why make it complex with multiple branches, when what we have *is*
(according to Knut, Andreas and possibly others) semi-stable?

Err.. As in "ready for production, with updates only after tested to be
in working condition". Lab environments can only do so much. Much
trouble is best shaken out by people trying these things for real.

Well, You can get that from BzzWare - not sure if other deliver this. But you wont get it for free. It's a lot of work - I know - I'm running some sarge-based debian-edu installations.

Haven't seen any comments to "production-ready" here, rather the
opposite. So I guess it's like the prereleases of before: "This seems to work fine, so let's throw it out and see what bug reports we get." (And that's quite far from both production-ready and maintainable.)

Also has a cd-image here that's a dowright coaster. Failing at install.
No good impression.

That is why I started the BzzWare images some time ago - to get something that was installable. And then after the developer gathering in January, were Joey changed the building process a bit, I stopped providing the BzzWare images, because there wasn't actually any differences between the two. Oh Yes - there was one thing that was different - I Used another methode of tuning what went on the CD, so that it actually fitted what I wanted on the CD. And I made sure that I used a d-i-image that was installable.

As far as I know, the latest images have all been installable, but Since I have not had time to test the images lately, there hasn't been released any new test-images ....

Finn-Arne Johansen

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