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Re: Howto, Integration of other Linux-machines into Skolelinux network.

Klaus Ade Johnstad schrieb:
søndag 13. november 2005, 21:55, skrev Klaus Ade Johnstad:

If the process of mounting takes very loooong, several minutes, and
you simultaneously see this messages in syslog on the Ubuntu machine:
nfs warning: mount version older than kernel
server localhost not responding, timed out
nsm_mon_unmon: rpc failed, status=-5
lockd: cannot monitor
lockd: failed to monitor

Then you might want to add the option nolock to ldap on your server,
this does that on the Skolelinux/debian-edu server: ( \ means one
long line)
ldapsearch -LLLx objectClass=automount automountInformation \

| sed -e "s:intr tjener:intr,nolock tjener:g" | ldapmodify -xWZD  \


Small correction:
Turns out that it is a good idea(TM) to also include the package nfs-common
apt-get install nfs-common
then you don't need to add the nolock option to ldap, as that has the effect of removving the looong delay of mounting the home-dirs.
Today i tried it with UBUNTU and i used the ldap command -- login without x works fine . i tried to login as a known user (tjener)at kde , it works but i cannot see something. Before i logged in i removed everything out of the home of the user because of the kde-menues .
I used rm -R *
but i think, that the . and the .. are not moved so i get a terrible x-screen.
Next days i will work on it and tell you (the list) of the results ..
My Question - apt-get install nfs-common required ?
I think so, but first i ask...
Bernd Grah


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