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Re: LTSP and Sound

>From Steffen Joeris on Thursday, 2005-09-29 at 15:43:05 +0200:
> Hey ho
> Ok I think I also described this problem, but I got no real response,
> or I missed them, then sorry.

You got responses, both on the debian-edu list and on the
German skolelinux list, but the response was in the form
of questions, which were never answered ...

1) Does the sound work together with other applications, e.g. xmms?

2) Does tuxracer run smoothly, *except* for the sound?

If sound works smoothly on other applications, but tuxracer runs
very slowly, it is most likely a problem with the driver for the
graphics card.

If xmms will not play, then you have more basic problems.
In that case, we need to know if you are using ALSA for your
sound, or what your set-up is.

Even with a working sound configuration, things can go wrong
if some other application takes control of the sound card.
For example, you are running xmms,  and then you start
tuxracer.  tuxracer will be silent, because xmms has
control of the sound card.

It could even be that there is a zombie process running 
in the background that will not let go of the sound card,
an application that is not visible on the screen but
appears when you list all the running processes.
In that case, you must kill the zombie.

But the most likely scenario is either (A) malconfiguration
of the sound system, or (B) problems with the graphics  card.
You can solve (B) by e.g. installing drivers for the NVidia
graphics card.  Solving (A) is more complicated, and requires
a more detailed discussion of your set-up.


> A friend of mine has a problem running a LTSP-server in a kindergarten using 
> sound on the ThinClients.
> The sound does not run clearly over the network, e.g. tuxracer doesn't work. 
> Is this maybe a SDL problem?
> I don't really know how to find the problem, but what I know is that it works 
> fine with Suse.
> Please can someone test it and give me any hints?
> Greetings
> Steffen
> P.S. I also told him to try lessdisks ;=) 
> I cc'ed the message, please send also copies to him, if you answer to this 
> thread.
> Please also add a HowTo-lessdisks page, I found none, but I am right busy.
> Thx
> -- 
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