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Distributed developer gathering

Hello everyone.

This weekend we are arranging a distributed developer gathering.  We are some 
people meeting at Kongsvinger here in Norway, and we will be on the IRC 
channels a couple of hours on Friday, most of Saturday, and Sunday until 
about 15.00-16.00.

It would be great if anyone out there also want to arrange a small gathering 
in their region. I have noticed quite a lot of "action" in the German team,  
maybe someone want to meet up there. What about Trondheim and Bergen anyone 
want to invite some friends for a small debian-edu-lan-party? 

We have a lot of tasks ahead of us. 
-There are a list of know bugs an limitations with the pr05 release, that 
probably have a couple of tings to dig in to.
-And we definitly need someone to test the pr05, and report any unknown bugs 
to the bugzilla..... http://bugs.skolelinux.no/
-Our bugzilla is full of bugs marked as new, that no one have taken response 
for.  (The whine mails sendt from me to this list every Tuesday)
-There are probably a lot of old bugs that should have been followe up to, but  
I haven't had the time to look for them yet....

So I would be delighted to see you online this weekend, helping out, geting 
one step closer to a stable debian-edu sarge based version.... 

We will be available on both #skolelinux and #debian-edu on freenode.net.


Why do we want intelligent terminals  when there are so many stupid users?

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