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Re: backup-burning

fredag 17. juni 2005, 10:05, skrev Steffen Joeris (white):
> Have a look at them and tell me if you can use them or
> not. I am unable to test them here, because I have no
> skolelinux-network at credativ.

Skolelinux has a backup service. We made a backup service because the 
limitations to burning users from a whole school network on a CD or 
DVD. Just the handling of the system would take more than 1 hour a week 
when using a solution with removable media. The storage place on a CD 
or a DVD would be to small. This is enlighten in the report where the 
choices were considered in 2003: 


So this is why we wanted to recomend ha disk-storage as a backup-system 
that everything is done automaticly with no additional handling of the 
storage what so ever :-). A teacher at a school has 1-4 hours a week to 
operate 150-350 users and 60-100 desktops. Then they have to much to 
do ...

- Knut

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