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Re: First Prerelease of Sarge Image

Finn-Arne Johansen wrote:
Although some of you have been testing the bzzware-generated images for some time, I have now set a side an image that I've called

It has some known bugs, and there are far mor packages missing from that one then from the bzzware-generated images. but other bugs have been fixed. From the top of my head:
kdm/kde - now it works logging in from kdm without selecting kde as
         session type.
root account login - it now works for atleast main+workstation.
no_NO->nb_NO - mostly fixed - mozilla still has an issue

There is still a need to reboot after the installation is done, or you could do like this:
 for ALL in /etc/rc1.d/K* ; do $ALL stop ; done
 killall slapd
 killall -9 portmap
 ifdown -a
 ps aux  # check that almost nothing is running
 ifup -a
 /etc/init.d/portmap start
 for ALL in /etc/rc2.d/S* ; do $ALL start ; done

For those interested, please look at

Actually - We dont need that many reports saying:
  hey - Finn-Arne is right - All those bugs is there.

what we need is that someone makes sure that the bugs are filed against Debian-BTS for all packages that are debian upstream (including debian-edu, debian-edu-config, debian-edu-install). Please use "reportbug"

Local packages, like
should be filed against Skolelinux bugzilla (http://bugs.skolelinux.no)

I think also the fact that a lot of packages are missing should be filed against Skolelinux Bugzilla

Finn-Arne Johansen, faj@bzz.no
tlf: 37254514 / 92640070

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