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Re: What about making release candidates of Skolelinux sarge?

Kurt Gramlich wrote:
* Knut Yrvin <knuty@skolelinux.no> [050131 16:28]:

Before releasing Skolelinux 1.0 Venus we made 47 prereleases and 3
release candidates. We started with the woody-based developer branch
in June 2001. Today this work is manly sarge based. But it's a
difference in how the testing and releasing is done that could be

* What am I asking for?

I am an highly skilled system developer that are able to file bugs,
and do much testing of the daily builds and prereleases. I know of a
whole lot of teachers and maintainers of small and huge
Skolelinux-installations that has made a test bench for testing the
new versions of Skolelinux. I can't set them to work with testing the
sarge version of Skolelinux because I don't know where to start, or
which CD that should be tested. It's no report that shows the work in
progress, and to collect the bugfixes in bugzilla is to
complicated. The result is that a lot of hands and heads walking
around unemployed with "to much" spare time. They have the equipment,
and just waiting to help. So where are the release notes and the
prereleases?  Then we could organise the people that are interested to
give us a hand. This is contributors that are not so familiar with the
daily-build and the track of the date and hours, to test prereleases
and give the developer and bug-tracking system feedback. This is the
people that loves that Skolelinux is as simple as possible.


I support this. We need prereleases for sarge to coordinate the
development. We testet in our lern- and testcenter different
versions. We have to bring the information together and so we have to have prereleases.

So please, is someone able to do this.
I propose Petter, what do you think about?

I hope to have, within a week or so, a person availible that I plan to put on top of this. This is a person that I am going to educate, and testing a new release is the best way I can think of to understand and know the product "Debian edu". He will do daily tests of the autobuilt image, and whenever we find that it satisfies our demands, I plan to set aside a snapshot. Until the autobuilt CD satisfies our demand, I will continue to build the BzzWare images.

now what is needed to satisfy the demands of BzzWare:
 - It must be possible to have all the packages of the 4 main profiles
   on the CD:
   * Main
   * Workstation
   * Thin Client Server
   * Standalone
 - it should be possible to have the laptop task on the CD
 - it should be easy to add additional packages on the cd, like:
   * lessdisks
   * samba, kerberos and winbind (for authenticating against ADS)
   * packages needed to authenticate using Novell eDirectory

All these demands are possible to meet using the building script that is used to build the BzzWare image, and I think Joey is looking into how to fix this using debian-cd. I have not checked what is the difference between the two images the last week.

If Joey is not able to do this, I will start to look into this when I find the time (if noone else does). The timeframe is within a month or so.

Finn-Arne Johansen, faj@bzz.no
tlf: 37254514 / 92640070

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