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Re: Re: Debian-Edu, Skolelinux and NX protocol (access from the internet) ?

>the KDE project is planning to integrate NX in the next release,
>so it comes to skolelinux ...

I saw the planning too but I don't see many talks about (NX + KDE) when I'm searching the web. 
Hopefully much of the work  is not visible yet.
In fact I don't see "much" activity between NX and free sofware actors .
That  worries me since it's obviously a key point as Knut Yrvin said in his reply :

" A lot of ICT-departments in Norway has sold the ICA-technology as an
Skolelinux/LTSP-killer. They use to much bandwidth is their
predictions. "

This apply in France too, and elsewhere, that's why we need, if possible, more awareness of free sofware communitys and developers on this issue.

If Linux will go mainstream it will begin by the schools, Microsoft well understood this when they invest by "giving" softwares to schools.
Obviously, that's why project like skolelinux / LTSP and free pedagogical softwares are so important for linux and free softwares as a whole.

>perhaps you would like to come to Linuxtag in Karlsruhe?
>have a look at our wiki
>we are planing some talks and a developer conference there.

Yes  :-)   I 'll come Saturday at least , I 'll be please to meet you. 
I'll probably not understand much of the talks since my german is very bad (despite my very german name...). 
I saw that Kurt Pfeifle will do a NX presentation with some news from the KDE front :
I saw on the web too  that Gian Filippo Pinzari, the leader of NX / No Machine will come to Linux Tag too.

>thank you for the information, please come and join the
>development, we need testers, translators ...

I' ll be gad to see how I can contribute. My main "hobby" interests are in designing and programming pedagogical softwares, 
mainly  to learn math and science with a "constructivist kind of " approach.  
I  used Flash and even Visual Basic ... I know that's bad ... that's why I'm in detox ...  Linux is quite new to me but I'm working on it hard now. 
I'm also programming microcontrolers like the PIC 16F877. 
They could easily replace most of the expansive data acquisition and "process control" tools in schools (The problem is how to have a free
 and easy soft to help the kids to program them).

I'm playing a little bit   with  Squeak (and offsprings : Scratch [MIT + NSF], a kind of lego software,  and hopefully soon opencroquet, a "multi-player" 3D learning environnement)   .
I saw there were a hot discussion on this list, I hope too  this licenses problem will evolve.

Thank you to Knut Yrvin for your mail with all your explanations, I'm going to investigate this futher :

>When applying nomachine-technology (NX), the "media-richness" also
>hits the bandwidth barrier. So we probably need the next level of thin
>client technology on Skolelinux with both NX that compresses X, and
>the ability to handle media-rich content with programs running on the
>thin client CPU. I'm talking about a kind of half-thin clients where
>media-rich applications as XINE, Flash-Plugin or Java runs on the thin
>clients CPU. The rest of the applications runs on the server.
>At least 2 companies ask for this solution in Norway. I told them that
>the technology is there, but has to be combined together, and made
>"out of the box" ready with the free software developers in KDE,
>GNOME, Debian and X/freedesktop.org organisations. I also told them
>that the work probably has to be done with qualified open source
>developers. They has to be persons with track-record and ability to
>deliver. We also needs extensive test environments.

I agree with you that ICA / RDP / or NX  is probably not enough for rich media applications  but in the mean time 
I would  already be very glad to be at the same level of RDP / ICA with a free implementation of NX in skolelinux   :-)

François Schnell


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