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Mailinglists (was: Re: mozilla, j2re1.4, Request for Test)

Note: This might feel off topic for many of you. If so, please disregard.

Jonas Smedegaard, 11.05.2004 23:23:

Yes. I deliberately did not crosspost to the norwegian list as well. I
find those crossposts stupid: why not merge the lists then?!?

I noticed your effort earlier for a clarification on the purpose of the lists.

I think there is a need for both lists, and there is a clear distinction between them. The Norwegian list (linuxiskolen@skolelinux.no) should be specific to Norwegian non-technical issues like PR-strategies.

It also makes it easier for new contributors to speak their mind to a Norwegian list. If it concearns Debian-Edu as a whole then someone will in due time move the discussion there. I expect other language-specific lists to behave similar.

I would really appreciate it if crossposting was held to a minimum, and urge crossposters to reconsider if it *really* is necessary. All technical discussions regarding Debian-Edu should be posted on the debian-edu list *only*.

This will also lighten moderation a lot, since the immense ammount of spam and virii is forcing us to moderate any non .no emails (I have built a regexp pattern that lets .no addresses and known non .no frequenters through).

Vidar Tyldum Hansen
Co-listmaster for linuxiskolen@skolelinux.no

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