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Re: Test-Case 004 failed for WLUS 1.2-25

* Knut Yrvin (knuty@skolelinux.no) [040421 21:06]:
> onsdag 21. april 2004, 20:45, skrev Andreas Schuldei:
> > that is a good idea. i had it too and disregarded it because then
> > i would need to re-transmit that password in the html-code of the
> > page. 
> This is strange to me because you already store the Admin-password on the 
> server-side, dosn't you? Then you show that to the user by, yes - giving 
> them stars in the Admin-password field. 
> > if i would just transmit stars or some other junk, it would seem
> > to webmin and wlus that this junk was entered as a password. i
> > cant help that, that is how http and html works. 
> That was the general idea. You also have to give the user the oportynity to 
> remove the stars, and retype the password themselves. 

did you understand that it wont work like this, for technical
reasons? i can put in the real password in the html code, and
since it is SSL connections, there is a high probability that it
wont be cached by browsers. there is however a chance that it is.
if people (not just you, knut) think it is good to do that, we
can surely change wlus`s behaviour towards this. it surely would
be a win in the usability area.

> I did not comment on the value of real world because the WLUS is not in 
> production,

we incorporated more experience we collected in wls into wlus, in

> and you did not separate a request for a feature from the 
> real-life-test of the function implemented. When not distinguising this to 
> different fixed places, then it's easy to get blind.

I do not understand that statement.

> Here is why: 
> It's pretty obvious that leeving a feeld blank is not a good things when you 
> sometimes get an error-message where the field requires a password, and 
> other times don't need a password in the same place. When hundreds of 
> teachers expericenses that, they will give you real life feedback that you 
> long will remember. 

i agree. it is not a perfect solution. threatening me with those
teachers is not a perfect solution, either. can you try to keep
this on a factal level? please dont insult me by refering to me
as "the schuldei", either. it actually hurts me.


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