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Re: unsubscribe ?

Bill Maas wrote:

Dear whoever,

I have been trying to get off the debian-edu list. I sent an email with the subject "unsubscribe" to debian-edu-REQUEST@lists.debian.org, and I have tried unsubsribing through the web site, next to sending two more or less polite emails to debian-edu@lists.debian.org. I still keep getting email. Could someone somewhere PLEASE get me off this list? Last kind request.

Bill Maas.

Hello Bill,

You appear to have followed the procedure correctly, unlike most,
and the process in that case is invariably efficient.
(1)Are you sure that what list mail you are getting isn't spam with the list headers? (2)If you are having genuine trouble unsubscribing, further recommended steps are specified here:-


But I'm surprised, because Pascal is pretty good at what he does.
Good Luck.


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