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Packages in the stable Skolelinux archive.


When preparing the Security-teams work, we've started to clean up our
stable repository[1]. All packages that are present in this archive
must have their sources present in the same archive. I have extended
our list of source packages[2] with a repository status-tags:

  S - Package with correct source files
  W - Package with source, but not correct orig.tar.gz-filename
  C - Package with missing sources in archive (present in CVS)
  M - Package with missing sources in archive and CVS

All packages that shall be handled by the Security-team must have
status-tag 'S'! That is, the sources of the package with correct
.orig.tar.gz-filename must be present in the archive[1].

So all of you that have responsibility for any packages mentioned in
the package list[2], please check that your package(s) has repository
status-tag 'S', and if not, fix this (also update the package list
after fixing)!

(The Security-team will also assist cleaning up and rebuilding some of
the packages in the archive.)

- Werner

[1] developer:~ftp/skolelinux/dists/woody/local/binary-i386/non-official
[2] http://d.skolelinux.no/info/cdbygging/sl-packages.txt

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