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Re: Problemes with v 1.0r1

On Mon, Dec 13, 2004 at 11:39:45AM +0100, Finn-Arne Johansen wrote:
> As some of you may have noticed, there are some bugs on the CD that we
> released as 1.0r1. Known bugs is: 
>  - Some modules for scsi and/or raid controllers are missing
>  - eth0 is not correctly enabled on machines that dont include the
>   "main-server" profile
>  - It is not possible to partition the Standalone profile

Then I have compiled a new cd, that seems to work
I have not been able to test varoius scsi-controllers, but I have
tested that it sets "auto eth0", and that partitioning actually works
on "Standalone"
Here is what I've done
- Downloaded iso-image for 1.0r1
- Downloaded debian-installer rc2
- Made new packages for
   + debian-edu-install-udeb
   + debian-edu-profile-udeb

The I wrapped everything together again, and created a new iso-image
When I check /lib/modules/.. , I find the modules for gdth (bug 866)
and dpt_i2o (bug 884). But I have only tested this image in qemu, and
on an old laptop, so only basic ide-controllers are tested.  

Could others please test if this thing work, by fetching from ftp: 
Or for those who have an account on developer: 
 rsync -vtessh +cvs.skolelinux.no:~ftp/cd-woody-test/debian-edu_woody-i386-1.0r1+di_rc2.iso .

Since I have put this into the woody-test archive, it is possible that
also the woody-test-cd is working now. 

Finn-Arne Johansen 

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