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Re: First step in changing the labels in WLUS

i reply in english and therefor on the english developer list.

* Knut Yrvin (knuty@skolelinux.no) [040408 15:36]:
> This test-case is about the lables, feelds and buttons of WLUS

Why is this called a test case? what can be tested?

is this intented to be a suggestion on which other experts on
user interfaces can comment? then i would wait for comments.

otherwise we could just start changing the texts in the lang/en
file in cvs. 

(btw: everyone can do that, it is easy and there is no danger to
break anything! the only thing one must watch out for is to not
change the string untill after the "=". Linebreaks are not
allowed (then an other string is started), but " and other
chars are.)

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