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Hi Klaus  
Now we are configuring the floppy daemon. But we are still unable to mount  
the floppy devices. We use the mtools, but there  
s a bug reprot:   
Can't connect to floppyd server on ltsp253, port 5703 (Connection refused)  

Cannot initialize 'A:'  
But the port should be free!   
If we want to restart the floppyd   
"/opt/ltsp/i386/etc/rc.d/floppyd restart"  
there's the bug report: Alarm clock  
Enclosed I send u our lts.conf and our floppyd-file.  
Thx for help 
Yours, sincerely 
Steffen and Stefan 

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Attachment: floppyd
Description: application/shellscript

# Config file for the Linux Terminal Server Project (www.ltsp.org)

        SERVER             =
        XSERVER            = auto
	X_MOUSE_DEVICE     = "/dev/psaux"
        USE_XFS            = Y
        XkbLayout          = us
        SEARCH_DOMAIN      = intern
        USE_NFS_SWAP       = Y
        SWAPFILE_SIZE      = 32m
	LOCAL_APPS         = N
        RUNLEVEL           = 5
	RCFILE_01          = floppyd

# Example of specifying X settings for a workstation
        XSERVER            = auto
        LOCAL_APPS         = N
        USE_NFS_SWAP       = N
        SWAPFILE_SIZE      = 48m
        RUNLEVEL           = 5
	RCFILE_01	   = floppyd

        XSERVER            = XF86_SVGA
        LOCAL_APPS         = N
        USE_NFS_SWAP       = N
        SWAPFILE_SIZE      = 64m
        RUNLEVEL           = 3
	RCFILE_01          = floppyd

        alias	/dev/fd*	floppy
	alias   /dev/fd0        floppy
	RCFILE_01	    =  floppyd

# ws004 is my virtual workstation running in a VMware session
        DNS_SERVER         =
        XSERVER            = auto
        X4_BUSID           = "PCI:0:15:0"
        X_MODE_0           = 800x600
        LOCAL_APPS         = N
        USE_NFS_SWAP       = N
        SWAPFILE_SIZE      = 64m
        RUNLEVEL           = 5
	RCFILE_01          = floppyd

# Example of a workstation configured to load some modules
#    MODULE_01       = agpgart.o		# This is for i810 video
#    MODULE_02       = uart401.o
#    MODULE_03       = sb.o io=0x220 irq=5 dma=1
#    MODULE_04       = opl3.o

# Example of ws001 configured for local apps
#    LOCAL_APPS      = Y
#    LOCAL_WM        = Y
#    NIS_DOMAIN      = ltsp
#    NIS_SERVER      =

# Example of a serial printer attached to /dev/ttyS1 on workstation ws001
#    PRINTER_0_DEVICE   = /dev/ttyS1
#    PRINTER_0_TYPE     = S		# P-Parallel, S-Serial
#    PRINTER_0_PORT     = 9100		# tcp/ip port: defaults to 9100
#    PRINTER_0_SPEED    = 9600		# baud rate: defaults to 9600
#    PRINTER_0_FLOWCTRL = S		# Flow control: S-Software (XON/XOFF),
#					# H-Hardware (CTS/RTS)
#    PRINTER_0_PARITY   = N		# Parity: N-None, E-Even, O-Odd
#					# (defaults to 'N')
#    PRINTER_0_DATABITS = 8		# Databits: 5,6,7,8 (defaults to 8)

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