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Debian & Stuff -- Rencontre informelle de la communauté Debian

Je viendrai demain.  Je viens d'Ottawa.

J'ai des questions concernant:

- debian packaging
- building the stock debian kernel the debian way
- building a vanilla kernel the debian way
- running the kernel in a vm (eg lkvm, qemu)
- making an image to use as disk for the kernel I run in the vm in the previous item
- setting up and using buildbot
- emacs org-mode stuff:  make a timesheet report from a bunch of clocking records
- emacs org-drill elisp:  how to get the most recently drilled cards.
- greasemonkey - how to save a short script that hides some elements of pages I visit often (too distracting!)
- reading email from several sources with gnus
- maybe setting up virtualenv and virtualenvwrapper

If I can get help or hints for any of these that would be great ... will be bringing my laptop.

Also, I can help out with some things - C programming, makefiles, git, shell, a bit of python.

Je parle un peu le francais : -)


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