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Holiday party the evening of Monday Dec 15th. (Looking for sponsors)

So I am involved in organizing another big multi-tech-group holiday
party again this year. (Thankfully after 5 or so years, I am not the
lead organizer this year though. For that I'd like to thank Artie

Debian-nyc has been one of the participating groups for the past few
years. I'm signing us up again, unless folks object. (It will be at
the same location, Clyde Frazier's as it was last year.)

This is a no cost event as food and drinks are covered by sponsors. If
your employer, or anyone else you might know would be interested in
sponsoring the event, please let me know. We're doing a flat
sponsorship price of $1000 per sponsor. We'll gladly accept more, but
we can't give more benefits for higher monetary contributions.

Last year's participants included:
- AWSNewYork (for users of Amazon Web Services)
- CFSG (Community Free Software Group)
- ChefNYC (for users of Chef)
- DebianNYC (New York Debian Local Group)
- DigitalOceanNYC (for users of Digital Ocean)
- DockerNewYork (for users of Docker)
- DrupalNYC (Drupal New York City)
- Lopsa-NYC (League of Professional System Administrators New York City Chapter)
- LispNYC (New York City Lisp User Group)
- NYC*BUG (New York City *BSD User Group)
- NYCCloudFoundry (users of Cloud Foundry PaaS)
- nycdevops (New York City Devops Meetup Group)
- NYC-Clojure (NYC Clojure Users Group)
- NYC-OCaml (The NYC OCaml Meetup)
- NYCPUG (NYC PostgreSQL User Group)
- NYC PyLadies (Mentoring women in Python)
- NY-Haskell (New York Haskell Users Group)
- NYLUG (New York Linux Users Group)
- NYPHP (New York PHP User Group)
- PuppetNYC (New York Puppet User Group)
- TA3M (Techo Activist Third Mondays)
- UNIGROUP (New York City's Unix User's Group)

And sponsorship was provided by:
- New York Internet
- InformIT
- Brandorr Group
- LispNYC
- Amazon Web Services
- Digital Ocean
- Chef
- 2U, Inc
- Jane Street
- NYC PostgreSQL User Group
- StackOverflow.com
- The New York Times Developers
- Plated.com
- Canonical
- canary.is
- DataDog
- CoreOS


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