[Debian-NYC] Upcoming events
We have several events upcoming:
Novice Night, January 18th.
We had a possible Novice Night on February 23rd, in conjunction with
the NYCIST (tech teachers) group. They proposed it being at a school
in Park Slope. The details are not all worked out yet - who is
interested in doing this?
However, we also have a possible workshop, by Keith and David, on
configuration management for large numbers of machines. How is this
going - we should plan out dates so that we don't have events too
often, or attendance may drop some.
What do you all think about events for the new year?
- Richard
| Richard Darst - rkd@ - boltzmann: up 538 days, 21:50
| http://rkd.zgib.net - pgp 0xBD356740
| "Ye shall know the truth and -- the truth shall make you free"
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