On Mon, Sep 20, 2010 at 9:16 AM, Richard Darst
<rkd@zgib.net> wrote:
As I had mentioned on the list previously, I gave a presentation about
the Debian packaging system. The presentation went well. I covered a
lot of things quickly, but there was still time for questions. The
slides are available here:
The presentation served well for letting people know about tools. I
think we've got at least several more eager workshop attendees from
this. We should definitely let NYLUG lists know about future
workshops - there were requests for this specifically. We should try
to have a workshop soon to keep this momentum up. I even got a couple
of volunteers to (tentatively) give a workshop on Debian clusters
A possible follow-up someone may want to work on: make "List of Debian
packaging utilities", "List of Debian Developer utilities", "List of
Debian web services" on wiki.debian.org. People at the presentation
were asking how to figure out all the things that were available, and
I really like these kind of lists on wikipedia. (Do such lists exist
somewhere else?)
Finally, a small observation. At DebConf10, Marga Manterola gave a
talk on "Making Debian rule, again", basically, how to keep Debian's
momentum of being among the best.
Among the messages I got out of this walk was "talk about positive
things and tell others about the great things you do". That's what I
tried to do here, and it definitely got a good reaction. We shouldn't
insulate ourselves from the rest of the NYC community, we should work
to let them know about the great things in Debian and the things we
- Richard
| Richard Darst - rkd@ - boltzmann: up 426 days, 10:09
| http://rkd.zgib.net - pgp 0xBD356740
| "Ye shall know the truth and -- the truth shall make you free"
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