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[Debian-NYC] QuahogCon trip, 23-25 April, Providence, RI

I'm registering to attend QuahogCon in Providence, April 23rd-25th. 
http://quahogcon.org/  They have infosecurity and DIY/maker tracks.  I'm 
especially interested in a few talks:

* Joan Pepin's Gender Hacking
* Jason Scott's TBD ("Jason gave us a blank slate to work with. We're 
going to come up with a crazy topic and have him speak on it.")
* Dan Kaminsky' New Research TBA
* Beginner Lock Picking

but of course there's way more advanced stuff about SQL injection and WiFi 
vulnerabilities and bone-chilling madness, &c., &c.

Tickets for the whole weekend are $100 each and if you register by 28 Feb 
you get a hackable con badge!  Then there's hotel; I'm hoping to stay with 
a pal.

If you decide to go, lemme know & we can arrange to take the same Amtrak 
up from New York City.

Sumana Harihareswara
DebianNYC mailing list

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