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[Debian-NYC] DD in town


Andrew Pollock is in NYC this week.  Since he had talked about his
trip on planet debian, some of us were thinking of meeting up, but we
hadn't made plans yet.

Andrew said that tonight (wednesday) would probably be free, and
tomorrow night *might* work if it's late enough.  I'm not sure of the
details - he can elaborate.  If we're going to do something, it must
be Wednesday or Thursday.

So we need to know:
- Who would come on each night?
- Suggestions for location (he's staying in Chelsea)

(we're discussing on irc now)

- Richard

p.s. My plans: I can't do tonight, but don't let that prevent
something tonight anyway if that's what works.

(please keep him in the CC here)

| Richard Darst  -  rkd@          -  boltzmann: up 218 days, 17:55
|            http://rkd.zgib.net  -  pgp 0xBD356740
| "Ye shall know the truth and -- the truth shall make you free"
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