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[Debian-NYC] Fwd: [nylug-announce] Debian beginners workshop Thursday Jan 21, 6:30pm

FYI, I sent the following announcement to NYLUG. (Simplified it a bit for a general audience).

- Brian Gupta

New York City user groups calendar:

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Brian Gupta <info@nylug.org>
Date: Tue, Jan 12, 2010 at 2:04 AM
Subject: [nylug-announce] Debian beginners workshop Thursday Jan 21, 6:30pm
To: nylug-announce@nylug.org

Debian-NYC is hosting a beginner level workshop on the 21st to
overview important background skills and procedures for contributing
fixes to Debian. This workshop will overview tasks like downloading
source packages, fixing bugs, and submitting changes as patches. One
of the main goals of the workshop is to prepare beginners for the
upcoming Debian-NYC BSP (Bug Squashing Party), which will be held on
the following weekend (Jan 29th-31st). For more info on the BSP,
and/or to register for it, please see:

There will be a repeat of this workshop on the Friday of the Bug
Squashing Party (Jan 29th) for anyone unable to make it on the 21st,
but it would be best if you can attend on the 21st, as it will give
you a week to practice and review before the BSP.

The Debian-NYC series of workshops as a whole is designed to introduce
Debian, Debian tools and techniques, and the Debian community, as well
as provide skills to attendees and helping Debian. This workshop is
targeted towards technically-skilled people who would like knowledge
of basics of Debian and how to contribute back to Debian.

Please bring: A Debian (or other Debian-based distribution such as
Ubuntu) computer with your preferred development tools on it. Extra
computers may be available for you to use if you can't bring one; but
please contact us ahead of time if you'd like assistance with
machinery, so the folks who can bring extra know how much to bring.

Date/Time/Location: January 21, 2010. 18:30 (tutorial section starts
19:00, subject to change). Location: TBA

Registration: Free, space is limited, RSVP to (rkd at zgib.net).

Contact: IRC via #debian-nyc on irc.debian.org ; debiannyc@vireo.org ;
Richard Darst (rkd at zgib.net)

Web: http://wiki.debian.org/DebianNYC/Workshops/3
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