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[Debian-NYC] Workshop #1, followup

Hello everyone who RSVPed for workshop #1 (and also debian-nyc),

I'd like to thank everyone who attended this workshop (and I'm sorry
for me procreating sending this out).  It was really great, and it
seems like we all learned a lot and got many ideas for the future.  I
encourage you to stay involved in Debian.  We put on these workshops
so that we can get more local Debian contributors, and improve our

If you aren't on our mailing list, you should be!  See:

You should consider dropping by our IRC channel.  It's a great place
to keep informed of what is going on, get help when you try your own
hand at bugfixing or packaging, or get more involved in Debian.  It's
a great way to fill gaps in what you know.  It is:
  #debian-nyc on OFTC (irc.oftc.net)

For further reading, you can look at:
In here, the Debian Developer's Reference lists standard procedures
and tools used by Debian maintainers and developers, the New
Maintainer guide lists steps to become more involved in Debian (it's
slightly aged),  and the Debian Policy tells all the nitty gritty
details of what each package has to satisfy.

Any followups/outlines from the workshop may be posted here sometime:

Thanks for attending, and watch the mailing list for follow-ups.  We
plan on having a workshop2/bug-squashing party soon to use the skills
from this workshop.  In particular, see these two messages:
    --> workshop followup
    --> next social gathering

I really hope to see most of you all at a future event -- and more
importantly, coming back to help teach an event sometime!

Thank you,

- DebianNYC people

| Richard Darst  -  rkd@          -  boltzmann: up 101 days, 10:50
|            http://rkd.zgib.net  -  pgp 0xBD356740
| "Ye shall know the truth and -- the truth shall make you free"
DebianNYC mailing list

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