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[Debian-NYC] Hacker housing coop in NYC?

Hi Debian-NYC,

I've been researching the idea of starting a housing coop in New York City,
inspired by a place called Tech House I lived in and helped lead while I was
attending Brown University. In short, it'd be a residential group living
organization for techies, geeks, hackers, creative types, artists, hands-on
people, scientists, mathematicians, etc. Sound relevant to you? :-)

Tech House works very well, and this would take the non-academic component of
that and open it up to everyone of the right mindset in a city with many such
people who don't succeed nearly often enough in meeting each other,
collaborating on a whim, and socializing easily and often.

I found an organization called NASCO, the National Association of Student
Cooperatives, which deals with groups of this type (whether or not just for
students). They have a development arm focused on getting new coops of this
type started, plus a 60-page organizer's handbook with lots of useful info.

http://www.nasco.coop/ [homepage]
http://www.nasco.coop/development [development arm]
http://www.nasco.coop/development/node/138 [handbook]
http://techhouse.org/ [if you're curious about Tech House]

If this sounds as awesome to you as it does to me, speak up via email or IM
(Jabber/GChat to jimmy@techhouse.org) or IRC (Hydroxide on Freenode and OFTC,
am usually in #debian-nyc on OFTC) and let's start talking!

- Jimmy Kaplowitz
DebianNYC mailing list

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