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Re: [Debian-NYC] Announcing workshop #1B: Packaging concepts and worksession

I am gonna try to make it again. Work emergencies excepted. (Thankfully no tax deadline this time though).

- Brian Gupta

New York City user groups calendar:

On Wed, Nov 4, 2009 at 12:59 PM, Richard Darst <rkd@zgib.net> wrote:

Workshop #1B has a page now (announcement also pasted below):

It will be Thursday, November 12th, and mostly (but not exclusively) a
followup to #1.  One group will work on some more packaging concepts,
one group will do freeform bugsquashing/packaging/other work.
Attending the previous workshop isn't required.

Please RSVP to me if you can come, and also let others who may be
interested know.  It would be helpful to let me know if you would be
more interested in the tutorial or the freeform work part of the
workshop, so that we can plan space properly.


- Richard


Debian-NYC invites you to to the second NYC-area Debian workshop. This
workshops follows up to our previous one, however previous attendance
is not required and there will be a section which reviews previous

These workshops are designed to introduce Debian, Debian tools and
techniques, and the Debian community as well as provide skills to
attendees and helping Debian. This workshop is targeted towards
technically skilled people, who would like knowledge of basics of
Debian packaging and how to contribute back to Debian.

Topics covered: a) One section will tear apart a package, explaining
the component parts of a Debian package. The expected target is users,
administrators, and possible future contributers to Debian. b) A
second section will be a free-form work group, with Debian Developers
guiding work on fixing Debian bugs (but not limited to working only on
Debian bugs). This is a free-form workshop, attendees are not limited
to these groups for their time here.

Please bring: A Debian (or other Debian-based distribution such as
Ubuntu) computer with your preferred development tools on it. Extra
computers may be available for loan, please contact us. If you have
GPG keys, bring fingerprints if you would like to trade signatures.

Date/Time/Location: November 12, 2009. 18:30 (tutorial section starts
19:00). Location: TBA, Midtown (Penn station area)

Registration: Spots are limited, RSVP to (rkd at zgib.net).

Contact: IRC via #debian-nyc on irc.debian.org ; debiannyc@vireo.org ;
Richard Darst (rkd at zgib.net)

Web: http://wiki.debian.org/DebianNYC/Workshops/2

| Richard Darst  -  rkd@          -  boltzmann: up 106 days, 10:24
|            http://rkd.zgib.net  -  pgp 0xBD356740
| "Ye shall know the truth and -- the truth shall make you free"
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