Re: [Debian-NYC] [VAC] New York, NY, US, Dec. 1-5; interest in meeting?
Cool, my kids are 5 and 3. You should take them to the Children's
Museum, I think they will really like it at their age. (My kids do) As far as doing Debian hacking, I am not a
Debian developer, so I'll leave proposals for work to others. (I'm
more of a Debian fan boy - My current involvement is mostly working
with Jimmy to do legwork for a NYC/USA DebConf10 bid).
If you want to try and get together, I am open to getting together
pretty much any time except tomorrow night and Thursday morning. (My
kids are in school this week, but I work from home, so have some
flexibility in my schedule.)
Where abouts are you guys hanging out this week? (e.g - Manhattan
Brooklyn, etc.)
P.S. - There are a couple of tech events this week. (non-Debian
unfortunately) Please see link to calendar below.
- Brian Gupta
New York City user groups calendar:
On Mon, Dec 1, 2008 at 9:56 PM, Aaron M. Ucko <> wrote:
> [Resending from the correct address; direct recipients, apologies for
> the duplication.]
> "Brian Gupta" <> writes:
>> How old are your kids? -Brian
> My son will turn 4 in three weeks; my daughter turned 2 a couple of
> weeks ago. Both are easy to accommodate foodwise, so any place where
> they wouldn't be too much of a disruption should work fine.
> Thanks!
> --
> Aaron M. Ucko, KB1CJC (amu at, ucko at
> |
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