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Registration Form

This thread is to co-ordinate the discussions regarding the registraion form. I am fed up searching for the mails in two different threads.

The work done till now
1. Basic registration form has been implemented and can be found at http://balasankarc.in/registration
2. Both Server-side and client-side validations have been implemented and ready to be tested
    a. Delegate Name - can not be empty - must start with alphabet - can contain alphabets, numbers, period , space and comma.
    b. Email address - can not be empty - format is test@test.test
    c. Organization - can be empty - must start with alphabet - can contain alphabets, numbers, period , space and comma.
    d. City - can be empty - must start with alphabet - can contain alphabets, numbers, period , space and comma.
    e. Arrival and Departure Dates - can be empty - must be of the format dd-mm-yyyy

1. Validate existence of both dates
    a. If one of the dates is filled, make sure other is also filled
    b. Date of arrival should be before that of departure
    c. Both dates should be between October 15th and October 20th.
2. Create registration form for Speakers
3. Discuss about the necessity of having an ini file to control stuff.
4. Move to Sqlite instead of MySQL

The git repo (which can be found at https://gitorious.org/minidebconfindia/metoo/) has been updated with the latest code. So everyone please test the code and report issues and suggestions.

Balasankar C

"Freedom is never easily won, but once established, freedom lasts, spreads and chokes out tyranny." - Trent Lott

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