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Re: Government's OS BOSS dying a slow death due to lack of patronage

Quoting Vasudev Kamath (2014-09-24 15:41:51)
> Faheem Mitha <faheem@faheem.info> writes:
>> On Wed, 24 Sep 2014, shirish शिरीष wrote:
>>> Saw this in the newspaper today :-
>>> http://telecom.economictimes.indiatimes.com/news/policy/governments-os-boss-dying-a-slow-death-due-to-lack-of-patronage/43300186
>>> For people uninitiated, BOSS is Debian+some homegrown code. As 
>>> nobody (except people from defence and BOSS own people) has access 
>>> to the source repository, we have no idea as to how much they take 
>>> from Debian or Ubuntu's source repositories and how much of it is 
>>> being made by C-DAV people for BOSS.

>> Is there some reason they don't just use Debian? Specialised
>> localization requirements, perhaps?
> C-DAC sponsored Jonas's India travel for miniDebconf in 2011 where a 
> team from C-DAC worked with Jonas to make BOSS a pure blend,

Right.  At the MiniDebconf we skimmed and identified patterns in
https://dex.alioth.debian.org/census/BOSSlinux/patches/ and I explained 
to them how closer collaboration with Debian would minimize maintenance 
burden on their part.

> I don't know how much they followed up and what really happened later, 
> probably Jonas can fill in.

Unfortunately I have not heard from C-DAC since my visit in 2011.  I am 
still hopeful, and will gladly continue where we left off if someone 
from C-DAC were to contact me now.  I did hear briefly from one of those 
participating at the MiniDebconf when he changed job and moved from 
Chennai to Bengaluru.

 - Jonas

 * Jonas Smedegaard - idealist & Internet-arkitekt
 * Tlf.: +45 40843136  Website: http://dr.jones.dk/

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