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Any android packagers around here ?

Hi all,
Please look at #459219 . TL:DR basically it seems only some small
important bits are remaining for the whole of androidsdk to be in
Debian. As shared by yours truly lot of components are already here as
can be seen by doing a simple search.

$ aptitude search android
i   android-tools-adb                                            -
Android Debug Bridge CLI tool
i   android-tools-fastboot                                       -
Android Fastboot protocol CLI tool
i   android-tools-fsutils                                        -
Android ext4 utilities with sparse support
i   androidsdk-ddms                                              -
Graphical debugging tool for Android
i   androidsdk-hierarchyviewer                                   -
Tool to debug and optimize Android user interface
i   androidsdk-traceview                                         -
Tool to profile performance of Android applications
i   androidsdk-uiautomatorviewer                                 -
Tool to scan and analyze the UI components of an Android application
p   ibus-pinyin-db-android                                       -
Pinyin engine for IBus - Android database
i   libandroid-json-org-java                                     -
androids rewrite of the evil licensed json.org
p   libandroid-json-org-java-doc                                 -
Documentation for androids rewrite of the evil licensed json.org
i A libandroidsdk-common-java                                    -
Android sdk tools common library
i A libandroidsdk-ddmlib-java                                    -
Library for communicaton with connected Android devices
i   libandroidsdk-ddmuilib-java                                  -
User interface library for ddmlib
i A libandroidsdk-hierarchyviewerlib-java                        -
Android Hierarchy Viewer library
i   libandroidsdk-sdklib-java                                    -
Android SDKlib
i A libandroidsdk-sdkstats-java                                  -
Sends Android SDK usage statistics to Google
i A libandroidsdk-swtmenubar-java                                -
Android SDK OS menubar hook library

One of the most important bits (IMO) however, is not packaged is the
android emulator and from whatever I have read about it, it seems to
be something akin to qemu+modifications. If somebody would attempt to
try it, I would point them out to jakub adam who's the maintainer and
uploader  of most of the android-tools in Debian and Michael Tokarev
who's responsible for qemu. There might be a possibility that some
patches in qemu and a small binary is all it takes for android
emulator to happen. The other possibility is that both
android-emulator and qemu cannot be in the same system so the
maintainer would have to put qemu in conflicts with the
android-emulator and vice-versa.

As shared, the above two persons would be probably be the best guides
as to how to go about it. I would be pretty much be happy if we are
able to get a recentish working android-emulator for the system.

          Shirish Agarwal  शिरीष अग्रवाल
  My quotes in this email licensed under CC 3.0
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