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Re: DEP 17: Improve support for directory aliasing in dpkg


On 06.05.23 21:28, Luca Boccassi wrote:

[shipping usrmerge symlinks in packages]

In the far future I'd like for these details to be owned by image
builders/launchers/setup processes rather than a package, but this can
be discussed separately and independently, no need to be tied to this

Ideally I'd like to have this information in a single package rather than distributed over ten different tools, especially as this is also release and platform dependent.

If possible, I'd like to go back to the gold standard of
 - download Essential: yes packages and their dependencies
 - unpack them using dpkg --fsys-tarfile | tar -x
 - install over this directory with dpkg --root=... -i *.deb

to get something that works as a container. Right now, that only works if I remove "init" from the package list, which is fair since a container doesn't need an init system anyway.

The less an image builder needs to deviate from this approach, the better for our users.


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