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Re: dpkg.org site

On 2023-06-08 19:48, Jonathan Carter wrote:
On 2023/06/07 17:42, Guillem Jover wrote:
Sigh. It seems the dpkg.org domain is being used now as a tool in the
continued harassment campaign.

I'm sorry to be a bit ignorant about this, I've possibly been out of the loop somewhere, so could you please give me the details on what's happening with dpkg.org and how (and who?) is using this to harass you?

The only thing I noticed was Ansgar asking yesterday who owns the dpkg.org domain, but honestly before that question was asked, I wouldn't even be able to confidently answer whether it exists, so I'm not at all aware of any actions or events around that domain recently. So the more details you could give, the better.

Presumably https://lists.debian.org/debian-ctte/2023/06/msg00001.html - paraphrasing "Debian is the upstream, because we own the domain, so the TC can decide about behavior of dpkg".

Kind regards
Philipp Kern

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