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Re: Typos in man pages?

Hello Guillem,
On Fri, Apr 22, 2016 at 02:38:59AM +0200, Guillem Jover wrote:
> On Thu, 2016-04-21 at 11:43:12 +0200, Helge Kreutzmann wrote:
> > while updating the German translation I noticed the following:
> > dpkg-parsechangelog.1
> > Why is debian marked up with B<>?
> > 
> > "Specifies the format of the changelog. By default the format is read from a "
> > "special line near the bottom of the changelog or failing that defaults to "
> > "the B<debian> standard format. See also B<CHANGELOG FORMATS>."
> That's the name of an input format. Do you think quoting it would make
> it more clear?

I always assumed that B<> means strings are to be used as "is", i.e.
literal, whereas I<> are variables (it used to be I<debian>). In this
case I used to "translate" the string (the only translation would be
to capitalize it according to German rules, but I believe users with
different alphabets might do more changes), while with B<> I keep it
as is. That is the background of my observation.

Can you push the other corrections to master?

Greetings & Thanks


P.S. How many other pending strings do you have? I ask because it
     might be sensible to get the other translation teams for the
     man pages (and maybe also the scripts) to start working, as 
     they are already 390 strings behind (which is not done 

      Dr. Helge Kreutzmann                     debian@helgefjell.de
           Dipl.-Phys.                   http://www.helgefjell.de/debian.php
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