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Problem with dpkg-query -l and UTF-8 in descriptions


I just saw this on my system where the package cpputest is installed:

$ LANG=C dpkg -l >/dev/null
dpkg-query: error: cannot convert multibyte sequence '— main package
 CppUTest is a C/C++ based unit xUnit test framework for unit testing and
 for test-driving your code. It is written in C++ but is used in C and C++
 projects and frequently used in embedded systems.
 CppUTest has a couple design principles:
  * Simple to use and small
  * Portable to old and new platforms
 CppUTest also has support for building mocks and can be used by
 practitioners of Test Driven Development.
 This is the main package. It contains some examples, support scripts
 and depends on libcpputest-dev which provides the test framework
 itself.' to a wide character
$ echo $?

With a proper UTF-8 locale, I get no error. I believe this error to be
new (I'm running what's in git's master branch).

Raphaël Hertzog ◈ Debian Developer

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