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Autobuilding dpkg master

[ A bit of context for debian-dpkg@lists.debian.org: I discussed with
Michael Prokop during debconf and discovered his usage of Jenkins to
autobuild the latest version of all his grml related packages every time
that he commits a change ]

Hi Michael,

I would like to have dpkg's master branch auto-built for i386/amd64
and accessible via an APT repository.

The git repository is here:
git clone git://git.debian.org/git/dpkg/dpkg.git

In order to build from git, you need what's in Build-Depends but also
automake (and possibly autopoint IIRC). You also have to add
"~YYYYMMDDHHMM" to the current version in debian/changelog.

If the build fails on any architecture, I would like to have a mail sent to
debian-dpkg@lists.debian.org (with the 200 last lines of the build log if

As a supplementary bonus, I have a test-build branch here:
git clone git://git.debian.org/~hertzog/dpkg.git -b test-build

(this branch does not generally fast-forward, it's often recreated as a
merge of several pu/* branches)

If it could also be auto-built and be put in a Non-Automatic: yes
APT repository it would be nice too.

Can you arrange all this? Can I do something to help you?

I guess I will have to put something in the post-receive hook, I'll wait
for your instructions for this.

Raphaël Hertzog ◈ Debian Developer

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