DPKG- Declarative Diversions - Report 2
This is the second report for declarative diversions for debian as part
of Google Summer of Code.
My first report was just a design draft but I have since been advised to
structure it differently. So in this report I will talk about what I have done
to date with the project and what my plans for the immediate future are.
For the first while in this project I spent a lot of time with my mentor
planning out what we were going to do and we discussed it with everyone who
is involved with dpkg to get feedback.
I quickly got a great deal of feedback and produced my first design draft.
After which I got even more feedback and produced my second design draft. This
week is the first week I have spent coding. So far I have coded a parser which
works quite well for what we need. I spent the later part of this week
integrating it into the existing codebase. But so far everything is looking
extremely promising.
My plans for the immediate future are to release a third design draft based on
feedback from my existing code and to finalise the main part of the work. I
believe this will be achieved by the next report date (1st of July) as well as
a lot of basic functionality for the project.
Anyone who wishes to discuss the project with me can either mail me through
My code is located in /lib/dpkg/test in the gsoc-testing branch of my code
Until next time,
Sam Dunne
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