Experiment with using 7z for gzip compression of packages
Dear developers,
I did experiment with using 7z for gzip compression for control.tar.gz and data.tar.gz components of the deb packages. Then I tried also recompress all gzip files inside the data.tar.gz and finally also tried the xz for comparison. Here are results:
0) 1132 packages (I used my apt cache): 1 076 539kB - 100%
1) recompress the control.tar.gz and data.tar.gz: 1 038 391kB - 96.5%
2) + recompress all *.gz files inside the data.tar.gz: 1 022 712kB - 95.0%
3) like 1) but with xz: 752 202kB - 69.9%
4) like 2) but with xz: 727 946kB - 67.6%
Are the numbers for 1) and 2) interesting enough to do something in this direction?
Have a nice day,
I used "7z a -tgzip -mx9 file.gz file".
My "recompress" scripts are very easy and cannot handle correctly all situations so the result is not 100% precise.
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