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Re: webkitkde_0.9svn1080813-1_i386.changes REJECTED

On Thursday 04 February 2010 09.40:54 Raphael Hertzog wrote:
> On Wed, 03 Feb 2010, Adrian von Bidder wrote:
> > Ah.  I need to modify my script to generate the orig tarball, then. 
> > Thanks, I've not noticed this.
> >
> > Q: why doesn't dpg-source complain when I try this here?  Why didn't I
> > notice when I've run the package through pbuilder?
> Because quilt push returning 2 should not be considerer an error. You can
> consider it an error from the older dpkg-source.


> Still, an upstream
>  tarball should not contain the debian patches pre-applied.

Yes, as I said, this is clearly my error (corrected and re-uploaded now, and 
corrected my script to import new verisions to hg and generate orig tarball, 
so it shouldn't happen again.)

Anyway, thanks for your help

-- vbi

SCO's lawsuit is a lost cause. The implications for Linux users are
rather like the implications for passengers on an ocean liner of a
seagull diving into the water nearby.
        -- Thomas Carey, Bromberg & Sunstein, LLP, attorney

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