How to replaces the conflicting package with new package
I want to replace existing package A1.deb with new package A2.deb and should update the dependencies of the package B.deb with A2.deb instead of A1.deb.
For that, i mentioned the Conflicts & Replaces tags with A1.deb in DEBIAN/control file of A2.deb
But when i try to install A2.deb using dpkg -i command, i am getting error saying "A2.deb conflicts with A1.deb but it cannot remove A1.deb because B.deb depends on A1.deb"
So, what options i have to add to dpkg command to remove A1.deb, install A2.deb, update dependency of B.deb from A1.deb with A2.deb.
Please help me in this regard...
Thanks in advance...
Srikumar B
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